Investing in
Christian Companies!
Notice: Are you looking for stellar companies whereby the majority shareholders and management are Christians in need of funding? We OFFER detailed information about these companies to our investor Network in a password-protected area, where you can contact them directly if interested. There are NO FEES for this service!
Every Christian, with the means to invest, has been given that "treasure" by God. It does, though, come with the added burden that He will hold you accountable as to how you steward His money. All we are asking is that you consider investing a small part of your investment capital with Christian entrepreneurs.
Why invest in Christian owned businesses? There's a simple answer! Muslims support Muslims in business. It's actually against Sharia law for Muslims to charge interest for business loans! Jews support fellow Jews in business! We Christians don't even move the meter! Yes, there are millions of Christian accredited investors, but only about a dozen local Christian angel investor groups ("For Christians, by Christians"). There's just a handful of Christian private equity funds, but not one Christian VC or Hedge fund in the USA. That is to our shame, for a so called "Christian nation"! Of course, the next question is - "Where do I find such companies?" Our website has attracted over 5000 Christian owned companies seeking funding. Of those, we've isolated a number that are VC fund quality investments and hundreds of companies that are great angel investments. The rest were companies that needed some work, be it with their basic business model, management skills or experience, lack of market validation, etc. Most of their problems were fixable, while others were not, due to basic flaws in their business model. In other words, we advised them, not to quit their day jobs or put a 2nd mortgage on their house. We're here to help the teachable and support Christians in business - period!
Be another Light for Christ in the business world!
Watch our short video!

In the secular investment world, investors conduct a due diligence to determine the merits of any potential investment. Unfortunately, there are many flaws inherent in the process and "good" money can turn into "bad" money. Some of the recent failures on Wall Street and Silicon Valley have been spectacular. We have a surefire method of "due diligence" that beats anything that the "gurus" could come up with! One example is a life sciences company that was founded by a woman in her home. Later, in her first year, she was offered $2 million for her company, by the Founder/CEO, of one of the biggest and most famous companies in the life sciences industry! Her products are now at Walmart, RiteAid and CVS.
In 1994, Jeff Bezos convinced 22 family and friends to invest $50,000 in his new company. Each received 1% of Amazon, Inc. That 1% is now worth $7 BILLION. Now just imagine what God could do with each Dollar invested by Christians in Christian owned Startup and Early-Phase Growth companies.
Need more info?
All angel investors wanting to join our Network must be accredited. Click here to see if you are a qualified investor according to the SEC: Qualifications
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INVESTORS: DO YOU KNOW about IRS Section 1202 that allows investors a tax exemption up to 100% on gains from Founders Stock?
Corporate Background
In addition to being the CEO of Christian Angel Investors, I have over 30 years of experience in the investment world. I was a former FINRA licensed Compliance Officer and assist companies that are raising funding to be compliant with state and federal securities laws. This is a key area that it more than not neglected with severe penalties, if not done correctly. We help protect entrepreneurs, their companies and angel investors.
I came to Las Vegas in 2004, as a Media Consultant for a Christian TV Network who purchased a low power TV station. When the station was turned on, it provided local Christian programming on a 24/7 basis. The first in Las Vegas history. I stayed here because Las Vegas hosts more than 20,000 business conventions annually, which is more that any other city in the world. That means that we meet Christian businessmen and women almost every week who are part of our Network and are here for a convention. This is the business hub of the world! And according to the Christian research organization Barna Group, Las Vegas ("Sin City" ) has the highest number of Christian megachurches in the country! See Megachurches. Most of our Team attends The Crossing Church, here in Las Vegas, which is well known for its impact on our international city.
Certified Advisor at US Capital Global: uscapglobal.com

Bill Murray
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Sample Companies in our Investor Area
Surety Health, Inc.
Surety Health, Inc., a Health Insurance Provider, intends to acquire a large portion of nearly 50 million new health insurance policyholders forecasted by the US Treasury, HHS, and Labor departments, due to HR 1628 passed by congress. The ICHRA (individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement) allows businesses of any size to acquire a separate group policy for their employees who pass a minor health screening. This in turn helps businesses lower health insurance premiums by 50 to 60%, providing similar tax advantages for employers and employees as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with an immediate election period. Surety Health will help navigate this process to benefit the business owners and future policy holders.Accredited investors can learn more by reviewing this company in the password-protected Investor Area of our website.
ARC3 - The New Dimension of the Internet!

VR-glasses made the long awaited world of Virtual Reality available. A whole new parallel universe should open up, but it seems for now that Virtual Reality is far from matching these expectations. The virtual world has ended up being restricted and unconnected, but actually, there is only one development step needed to open up the door to the fully immersive potential of Virtual Reality. This is the step ARC3 is making and has a patent for. Accredited investors can learn more by reviewing this company in the password-protected Investor Area of our website.
INVESTOR AREA (password-protected)
Note: Christian Angel Investors, its principals, employees, members, officers, attorneys, managers, operating managers, advisors and directors (collectively referred to as "Christian Angel Investors") are neither registered investment advisors, mortgage brokers, real estate brokers, broker/dealers, securities dealers, nor financial advisors with any state/federal agencies within the United States or any other country. This material is for informational purposes only and is subject to change. Information presented is intended for use only by qualified eligible persons as defined by Regulations D. It does not constitute investment advice, nor is it an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any kind of securities. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results and/or performance. You understand and agree that no information contained on this site constitutes legal, accounting or tax advice of any kind, and that you should contact an attorney or accountant before using any of the information described above for your own investment decisions.